27 February 2012


Five months after the military's ban on openly gay service expired, a photo of a young gay Marine's homecoming kiss has gone viral.
Nearly 15,000 people have liked the picture on Facebook, which was posted in a group for gay Marines on Saturday.
The Marine, Brandon Morgan, posted a response on his Facebook wall according to the JoeMyGod blog. "To everyone who has responded in a positive way. My partner and I want to say thank you. Dalan, the giant in the photo, can't believe how many shares and likes we have gotten on this. We didn't do this to get famous,or something like that we did this cause after 3 deployments and four years knowing each other, we finally told each other how we felt," Morgan wrote.
I have nothing against this but this gives a whole new meaning to watching your back in the trenches.



A banker left a 1% tip in defiance of 'the 99%' at a Newport Beach restaurant the other week, according to his dining companion and underling who snapped a photo of the receipt and posted it to his blog, Future Ex Banker. (Update: the blog is now offline.)
In posting the photo, the employee gave some background on his boss and the receipt:
Mention the “99%” in my boss’ presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn’t sufficiently bow down to his Holiness. Oh, and he always makes sure to include a “tip” of his own.
The "tip" of his own in this case was to tell the server to "get a real job.". This is why I don't trust banks or congress.


21 February 2012



The happiest place on earth brought out the worst in a 53-year-old man who unleashed a string of obscenities during a visit to a Disney theme park while punching and kicking a “cast member.”
Predictably, the mini melee was caught on camera, posted to YouTube on Saturday.
And this is why camera phones were invented.


14 February 2012


Whitney Houston's family was told by L.A. County Coroner officials ... the singer did not die from drowning, but rather from what appears to be a combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs mixed with alcohol ... this according to family sources.

We're told Coroner's officials informed the family there was not enough water in Whitney's lungs to lead to the conclusion that she drowned.

Our sources say the family was told Whitney may well have died before her head became submerged.

And family sources tell us ... it was actually Whitney's aunt, Mary Jones, who discovered Whitney's body in the bathtub. Mary had laid out Whitney's dress for the evening on the bed and then left for about a half hour. When Whitney didn't come out of the bathroom, Mary entered, pulled Whitney out of the tub and began administering CPR.

And we're told ... Whitney's mom has arranged to have the singer's body flown back to Atlanta, as early as tomorrow. The family was told the Coroner has no problem releasing the body because there is no evidence of foul play --  and unless cops put a hold on the body, it can be flown back East.

Man you just never know.

Now you can play your iPad and iPhone games using the iCade 8-Bitty retro wireless (bluetooth connectivity) controller.  It will set you back $25 bucks
