10 March 2010


Hey since I have an 'again " theme going, (DMX locked up again), (victims getting scammed again), Bernie Madoff’s victims are getting scammed by someone who has created a faux website mimicking that of the agency handling claims for the swindler’s investors. The phony group has created a website that looks similar to the one run by the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

The real SIPC is an insurance fund that covers up to $500,000 of investor losses if a brokerage firm fails. Yesterday, the SIPC said a fraudulent group had set up the website I-SIPC.com and was attempting to lure Madoff’s victims.
Among the claims on the fraudulent website: that $1.3 billion hidden by Madoff in Malaysia has been found. The phony group claims to have ties to the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. Man these scam artist will not stop.


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