03 March 2010


Maniacal mannequin Naomi Campbell has allegedly pummeled the help again -- this time, a chauffeur who says she thwacked him repeatedly in the head with her fist from the back seat as her Cadillac Escalade careened through Midtown yesterday afternoon.

The volatile diva allegedly struck Miodrag Mejdina, 27, of Ridgewood, Queens, hard enough to send his head into the steering wheel -- leaving him with a bruise under his left eye, according to police sources.
She was apparently furious over the fact that Mejdina, who also has chauffeured her boyfriend, refused to snitch on her beau and tell her whether he was cheating on her, sources said. Hey I do not avocate violence and I surely do not advocate hitting women but in Naomi's case I think one good ass-whoopin from someone, like another chick, and I bet she will straighten up. Maybe Elin can get her golf clubs and go after her.

via: nypost

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