03 March 2010


Woman claiming to be Diddy's wife arrested in NY. Hey is he even married to any of his kids mothers? Anyway a woman claiming to be the wife of Sean "Diddy" Combs has been arrested after making two visits to a Long Island house she erroneously believed was the home of the hip-hop superstar.

Cemelia Green has pleaded not guilty to criminal mischief and trespassing and has been freed on $5,000 bail. She is represented by Legal Aid. The organization does not comment on pending cases.
Police say the Jacksonville, Fla., woman appeared at a home in East Hampton on Feb. 12, claiming to be Combs' wife. A maintenance worker called police, but she fled.
On Feb. 22, she asked directions to Combs' home at the East Hampton police station, but was refused. Shortly after, police arrested Green at the house where she was seen Feb. 12.


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