03 March 2010


Cute Cheng Jindan's desperate dad was forced to lock him up when he took customers out on his rickshaw because he could not afford to send him to nursery.

Cheng Chuanliu said he feared someone would snatch the two-year-old so he shackled him to the post.
The lad's handicapped mother scavenged for rubbish nearby.

But now thanks to the generosity of a local headmaster little Cheng is fast becoming a star pupil.
The shocking pictures of Cheng padlocked to a lamppost horrified people across the globe last month.

The youngster was locked up to keep him safe after his older sister Jinhong was snatched by kidnappers while playing with friends.
Child abduction is rife in China where the victims frequently end up in forced labour or the vice industry.
With that being said what would you do?


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