05 November 2010


Cruise is currently filming Brad Bird's "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol," and a major scene takes place in Dubai, with Cruise's character rappelling up and down the Burj Kahlifa, the world's tallest building. Photos of Cruise doing this particularly impressive stunt have already surfaced, but tourist Daniel Matthew, visiting the Burj Kahlifa, may have taken the best one. While looking out the window, Matthew watched as Cruise rappelled right past him. He even waved.
Cruise is clearly in his Ethan Hunt character, focused, but he takes a brief moment to smile and wave at Matthew before getting back down to whatever spy business Hunt was up to. (To be fair, Cruise might be concentrating on the fact that he's, you know, 1,500 feet in the air.) For all Cruise's eccentricities, the man has never been accused of being aloof toward his fans. Now we know that's true even when he's hanging off the side of the world's tallest skyscraper. That's crazy in a pretty awesome way.
I don't care what anyone says Tom Cruise is awesome.


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