23 March 2011


A Marion County man said he was just being neighborly when he befriended an elderly next door neighbor. However, he said the 92-year-old woman wanted much more from him.

Dwight Bettner said when he wouldn't give Helen Staudinger a kiss, she opened fire.
Staudinger wanted a kiss and when she didn't get one from 53-year-old Bettner on Monday afternoon, deputies say she got angry.
"There's three holes in the wall and one in the window and of course, one in my car," Bettner said.
Bettner said his home was hit with a barrage of bullets, shortly after he finished a conversation with his elderly next door neighbor.
"So she started to leave and then she said, 'I'm not leaving without a kiss.' And I said, "I have a girlfriend you're not getting a kiss,'" said Bettner.
When Staudinger opened fire, Bettner was standing on the opposite side of the window where the bullet hit.
"When the bullet came through the window here, it hit right here," he said.
When Marion County deputies went next door to Bettner's home near Fort McCoy, Staudinger told them she didn't remember where she put the weapon. But, deputies found a semi-automatic on an end table.
In court Tuesday morning, she asked a judge to release her from jail.
"She's pretty much raised hell for quite a while, but I never thought she would start shooting at me," said Bettner.
Staudinger was charged with shooting into an occupied dwelling and aggravated assault.
She has a bond set at $15,000, and her daughter is expected to bond her out.
Next she will probably get an uzi.


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