22 June 2010


Michael Vick has been out of prison for almost a year. He's publicly apologized for his role in a dog-fighting ring that landed him behind bars for 21 months. He's got an uncontroversial year on the football field behind him as a part-timer for the Philadelphia Eagles, who have picked up his option for another season.

Yet Vick's image rehab is moving along at a snail's pace. For the second year in a row he tops Forbes list of Most Disliked People in Sports, with 69% of those polled citing Vick as someone they "Dislike a lot," "Dislike," or "Dislike some" according to E-Poll Market Research. Right behind Vick in this year's poll: Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis, a longtime maverick with a history of clashing with the NFL, coaches and politicians in northern and southern California over stadium deals that have led him to move the club twice. Also making the list is fellow renegade NFL owner Jerry Jones, who likes to run the Dallas Cowboys as more of a freestanding business than as part of a league.

Others making an appearance: baseball's steroid poster boys, Alex Rodriguez and Mark McGwire (McGwire's return to coaching this year made him eligible for the list), along with football wide receiver diva Terrell Owens and gun-wielding NBA star Gilbert Arenas.

Click here for the rest of the list


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