14 June 2010


Chinese toddler Ya Wen started downing pints and smoking up to a pack a day after being struck by a speeding van and spending five days in a coma, her parents told the Yangcheng Evening Post.
"She likes drinking," her mother, Gao Wen, said.
"Three glasses of beer is no problem to her."
Gao Wen said her daughter's personality changed dramatically and she started acting like an adult shortly after leaving the hospital.
First, she was busted hiding in the toilet smoking her dad's cigs. Then she began stealing them from a store - until the owner let her have them on credit.
"The first time I found her smoking was in the toilet," her mother said.
"Before that, I often saw cigarette butts in the toilet but thought they were my husband's, until I saw my daughter smoking there."
The store owner said he assumed the child was buying the butts for Dear Old Dad, adding that the child would take up to two packs away at a time.
Next thing you know an infant is going to be hooked on cigarette and 40 ounces.This is crazy. Video when you jump.

VIA: nydaileynews


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