23 July 2010

Dramatic video footage captured a bison attacking a Utah woman at Yellowstone National Park.

Cathy Hayes, 49, of Farr West, injured July 19 while filming bison near Biscuit Basin near Old Faithful, according to the Billings Gazette. Hayes estimated she got as close as 10 yards to film the video when the bison charged, the paper said.
CBS said the video shows the animal was apparently provoked when it was hit on the back with a stick.
Hayes, who was filming with her brother-in-law, told CBS' "Early Show" co-anchor Chris Wragge the bison "flipped me end-over-end like a rag doll, in the air."
CBS said Hayes injured her knee while her brother-in-law broke his shoulder trying to escape. Hayes' husband, who was in their car, was not hurt. This is funny people should know not to mess with wild animals


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