09 July 2010


Lebron James brought tears of joy to the city of Miami. While at the same time crushing the hopes of fans in New York and Cleveland.

New York's number one goal coming into the off season was to sign Lebron at all costs. He was offered free lap dances for life from a Gentleman's Club and the chance to play in the biggest media market on the planet. No doubt his endorsements would have gone through the roof.
At least the Knicks have a great starting piece though, having signed Amare Stoudemire away from the Pheonix Suns and lots of cap room left to go after more players.
In Cleveland, the loss of James was a much more bitter pill to swallow. Owner Dan Gilbert labeled the star player a quitter. Claiming James tanked in this years playoff series against the Boston Celtics.
Fans are so upset they started to burn his jersey. That video after the jump


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