28 July 2010


He calls himself Robin Hood and has vowed to take from the rich to give to the poor.

But this modern-day version of the legendary outlaw doesn't roam Sherwood Forest - he strikes at the casinos of glittering Las Vegas. For more click the jump.

The mysterious cardsharp uses his skills as a professional gambler to 'rob' the casinos and give his winnings to hard-up families.
Along with his 'Maid Marian' - a stunning Brazilian model who calls herself Lady Greice - Robin, who insists on maintaining his anonymity, has set up a website inviting people to send in their hard-luck stories and apply for up to £30,000.

Since embarking on his mission, he has given away more than £600,000 to deserving families.
This includes £20,000 he won for the Kegler family, who were in debt after paying for vital drugs to treat their toddler daughter's brain tumour
Now in his 40s, Robin said he decided it was time to help out others who lead a less fortunate life than his.

click here for the rest of the story


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