06 January 2011


A high school senior angered by his punishment for damaging school property shot and killed an assistant principal at Millard South High School and wounded the principal. Robert Butler Jr., 17, fled the scene and was later found dead in his car of a self-inflicted bullet wound.

Assistant Principal Vicki Kaspar, 58, died hours after being shot several times in the chest as she sat in her office at about 1 p.m. Wednesday. Principal Curtis Case was shot in the back and hip after rushing across a hall to investigate. He was in serious but stable condition Thursday.
Kaspar had suspended Butler for 19 days Wednesday morning for driving a car across a school athletic field and damaging it. The vandalism occurred before classes began Wednesday and was captured on a security camera. Butler apparently had no previous disciplinary problems at the school which he had attended since last October. He had transferred from Lincoln Southwest.
Butler was escorted from the building following his suspension but returned with a handgun at about 1 p.m. The shooting spree took only about two minutes, witnesses said. Butler fired two shots down a hallway as he left Kaspar’s office; no one was injured.
Police found Butler’s body about 35 minutes later in a car owned by his mother, Julie Beekman of Lincoln.
Sad all around with Facebook in the middle again.


video after the jump


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