21 January 2011


Skins," MTV's controversial new show about a group of very misbehaved teenagers has aired just one episode, and already it is facing severe criticism, advertising snafus and even possible legal action.

After a damning story about the show ran on the front page of Thursday's New York Times, Taco Bell announced that it would be pulling all of its ads from future airings of "Skins." A spokesperson told The Hollywood Reporter the show is "not a fit for our brand," and that they would be moving their ads elsewhere on MTV.
"Skins" (based on the racy BBC series of the same name) is raising red flags within the company due to its potentially objectionable content. According to a story on the front page of today's New York Times, executives at the network have expressed concerns that content in forthcoming episodes could expose the company to charges of child pornography.
Brian Stelter reports that, according to an unnamed source at MTV, executives have ordered cuts to the episode slated to air January 31, which apparently revolves around teenaged Chris gravely (and comedically) inconvenienced by the effects of an erectile-dysfunction drug; the actor playing Chris, Jesse Carere, is 17.
Yet another MTV show I will not watch.


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