25 January 2011


A 31-year old woman is recovering in Grady Memorial hospital Tuesday after being pulled from underneath a MARTA train.

MARTA officials say the woman was sitting in a wheel chair when she intentionally threw herself in front of the oncoming train.
The incident happened around 8:00 a.m. at the MARTA Five Points station.
According to witnesses they tried to flag down the train operator so the driver wouldn't hit the woman.
Atlanta fire units help MARTA officials rescue the woman from the lower levels of the station. According to witnesses, the woman handed a note to a woman near the tracks. She then stood up from her wheelchair and jumped in front of the moving train.
MARTA officials say the woman landed between the rails underneath the train. She suffered non-life threatening injuries and was conscious and alert when transported to Grady.
This lady made me late for work today. Next time if any of you are going to attempt suicide do it between non peak hours please.


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