03 May 2010


Watch as two law enforcement officials go crazy and steal pizzas.  Richard Frederick works for the Wayne County Airport Authority, and his girlfriend, Renee Zima, is a TSA officer.

Sheriff Bezotte said it all started when the couple, already fueled by alcohol, went to buy some more liquor and began arguing with the clerk. That concerned clerk dialed 911, but it did not end there. We are told Zima flashed her badge, claimed she is with Homeland Security and then walked out with two pieces of pizza.
When the clerk tried to get the license plate number, Bezotte says Zima tried to bend it. In fact, both spent the next few minutes trying to block it. Frederick put the hatch up so the employee could not read it. When the clerk tried to pull it back down, surveillance video shows Frederick going after him. That is when the off-duty officer allegedly punched him in the face. I don't know why people are so shocked, officers have been acting badly since the beginning of time. More just get caught now because of video cameras.


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