01 June 2010


That's kiddy talk compared to the messages one Dallas man received over a $200 debt.
The harassing and threatening voicemail messages left on Allen Jones' mobile phone are nothing short of vulgar.

"This shouldn't be tolerated," he said. "Nobody should have to experience what I had to experience."
Debt collectors from Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC left eight messages for Jones in August 2007 trying to collect what it said he owed on a credit card.
Most messages were laced with profanity and spewed racial slurs:
"This is your mother******* wake-up call you little lazy a** b****," a collector said on one. "Get your mother******* n****r ass up and go pick some mother******* cotton fields."
Jones is African-American.
"If we did not have tapes, no one would ever believe that this happened," Mark Frenkel, one of Jones' attorneys said.
The recordings are so offensive News 8 decided against publishing transcripts of the others.
"This is absolutely, without a doubt, the most egregious collection case I've ever seen," Dean Malone, Jones' other attorney, added.
Jones sued Advanced Call Center Technologies over the harassing calls.
Friday afternoon, a Dallas County jury awarded him one of the biggest verdicts of its kind.
He won $50,000 in mental anguish and $1.5 million in punitive damages
Hey call my phone next I need $1.5 million.


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