02 June 2010


An angry vandal has given BP a piece of his - or her - mind, smearing what looks to be black paint over a Manhattan BP gas station sign.
The oil giant's green and yellow sun logo was dripping with black grunge Tuesday, ticking off the station's owner, but impressing New Yorkers frustrated at the company's catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
"I think when a company destroys a major part of the world then losing one sign is completely fair," said grad student Loren Dent, 29, of Williamsburg, chuckling to himself as he walked by the E. Houston St. station.
The store's furious owner didn't find the protest so fair -` or so funny.
"They don't understand that they're not hitting BP, they're hitting an independent business man," said the owner, who asked not to be named.
"The contract we signed (with BP) was several years before the oil spill," he protested, before calling BP and requesting a new sign.
I guess BP had that coming.
Hey I know, let's get a giant cork next maybe that will work.


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