11 August 2010


The promotion of the FC2 female condom in D.C has begun. The FC2 female condom, approved by the FDA, is now available in the United States. FC2 offers women a choice, that they can initiate, to provide dual protection against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections ("STIs"), including HIV/AIDS.

FC2 is the second generation female condom to FC1. FC2 was developed to take the place of FC1, providing the same safety and efficacy during use, but at a lower cost. The effectiveness of FC2 was studied by comparing FC2 performance to FC1, the studies showed FC2 to be comparable to FC1. Certain other studies have shown that having the FC female condom available allows women and men to access more prevention options and results in an increase in protected sex acts and a decrease in STIs, including HIV/AIDS. Now females can pack the plastic


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