17 August 2010


That much-loved family photo will now literally leap out of the page after the world's first 3D camera and printing service was unveiled today.

Pictures on Fujifilm's new FinePix camera can be printed on special 3D paper, ready to be stuck into an album or be instantly viewed on the camera's built-in display.
But unlike 3D films in cinemas, special glasses do not need to be worn to experience the effect.

Fujilfilm's camera takes two photos simultaneously from its two lenses which are fixed a similar distance apart to human eyes.

Using 'lenticular' technology, the separate left and right eye images are interlaced on a furrowed surface to create the stereoscopic illusion
The method has been around since the 1940s and was typically used on novelty items and stickers, featuring simple two-frame animations such as a winking eye.

However, the old technology is now being used in a wave of state-of-the-art 3D products, games consoles and billboard posters.
Fujifilm's new gadget also incorporates a high-definition 3D video camera, which will enable users to watch their movies back on any 3D TV.

The new FinePix Real 3D W3 goes on sale early next month, costing around $400
Nice but I would have to see the end result first.


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