16 September 2010


A Queens man was slapped with a parking ticket as he lay dead in the driver's seat of his car, cops and family said Wednesday.
Nicholas Rappold, 21, of Flushing, was slumped across the front seat of his Jeep Cherokee on 165th St. near 35thAve. Tuesday morning when a traffic agent wrote him up for being illegally parked during street sweeping, cops and family said.
"It's really messed up," the young man's cousin Patrick Hill told the Daily News. "While he was dead in his car, a New York City traffic agent gave him a ticket."
An hour after the ticket was issued, a friend whose house Rappold had left in the middle of the night spotted his buddy's vehicle still parked outside, sources said.
The curious pal went to see why the SUV was still there and found Rappold's cold body, sources said.
Wow only in New York.


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