04 August 2010


A St. Albans man accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl and impregnating her was in court for a preliminary hearing Friday. Investigators say the alleged incident happened back in May at Michael Lacy's apartment. The 11-year-old victim was friends with Lacy's daughter and spent the night there frequently. "She indicated she had stayed all night at Michael Lacy's residence and, at that time, she had intercourse with him," Kanawha County Sheriff's Detective Sean Snuffer said. "She stated she had not had sexual intercourse with anybody other than Michael Lacy." Lacy says he didn't intentionally sexually assault the girl. He told deputies that it was a case of mistaken identity. "He stated he woke up with someone kissing his neck while he was lying on the couch. He says he thought it was his wife because his wife often did that to him," Kanawha County Sheriff's Cpl. J.M. Launi said. "He admitted to kissing her neck and doing some kind of act. He could not confirm or deny actually having sex with her. He couldn't remember." Lacy blames that memory loss on the fact that he had taken Xanax and Lortab that night. He claims that he was groggy and in and out of sleep. Launi says that soon after the alleged assault, Lacy realized that it was the girl instead of his wife. Put this idiot under the jail.


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