11 October 2010


Elizabeth Hawkenson at 18-years-old is about to participate in a porn film - and is flashing her identification to prove she is not under age. Miss Hawkenson is a first year studying geology at Arizona State University, but it is not her interest in rocks and soil that has brought her internet fame.

She now faces having her $33,000 scholarship pulled and being kicked out of university after her extra-curricular activities came to the attention of her lecturers.
A letter condemning her behaviour was sent to the university board by an alleged former student.
Miss Hawkenson says she performed in the movie to raise funds for her course.
Why is every student either stripping or doing porn to pay for school. hey it's cool I ain't mad at you but come up with a different story like hey I need some quick pocket money and I look decent and it's legal.


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