15 October 2010


A man who sued after being struck in the face by a strip dancer's shoe at the Cheetah nightclub, seriously injuring his eye, has won a $650,000 judgment.
Personal injury litigator Lake "Trey" Lytal said Thursday that while the club's insurance company agreed to the amount, getting the money to Cheetah's patron Michael Ireland still is not a done deal and may require more litigation.
Ireland, a roofer, has experienced chronic double vision since stripper Sakeena Shageer's shoe made contact with his eye at the suburban West Palm Beach club in September 2008, Lytal said.
Shageer said she was walking along the bar, with her feet near patrons' heads, when she spun around in reaction to someone touching her, Lytal said. Shageer struck Ireland accidentally, he said.
Ireland suffered broken bones around his eye and in his nose and now has permanent double vision, Lytal said. He also has dizziness - "not a good thing for a roofer."
Strip club lawsuits have centered on the hazard of sky-high platform shoes strippers frequently wear. In New York, a man sued after a stripper giving him a lap dance swiveled and smacked him in the face with her shoe. A Broward man sued after a woman's stiletto flew off during a pole dance, shattering a mirror and cutting him
Wow if I knew the strip club was this dangerous I would have quit going long time ago.


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