22 October 2010


Warner Robins City Council member Daron Lee says remarks made by other council members turned racial for the second meeting in a row.

Lee says Tom Simms Jr. referred to him as "boy" during a closed meeting two weeks ago.
Monday night, council member John Williams said Lee should be working in a cotton field.
The exchange happened during a motion by Daron Lee. He wanted to clarify a contract for an investigation by former city clerk Stan Martin into city business.
Lee and three other council members voted for Martin to continue the inquiry, but John Williams, Mayor Chuck Shaheen and Tom Simms Jr. oppose his hiring.
The disagreement prompted Williams to interrupt Lee.
Lee stopped Williams, saying, "I was disrespected last Monday. I'm getting about tired of you all, talking to me any kind of way. I'm not working in a cotton field."
Williams replied, "You should be."
Lee said, "Oh, I should be? OK."
Mayor Chuck Shaheen banged his gavel to end the disagreement. Then, Lee walked out. He returned a few minutes later.
The tension spilled over to comments from the audience. Warner Robins resident Louise McBride said, "A diversity class should be required for council members. "
Another resident, Mike McGraw, blamed Lee for the problem. He said, "Mr. Lee, you're setting this country, I mean city, back."
Lee later referred to Tom Simms Jr. allegedly calling him "boy" two weeks ago and Williams' words, during his closing comments of the meeting.
Lee said, "No white man can speak for a black man. 'Boy' may not mean may not carry that much weight with you, but it's the same weight carried for many years for a black man."
I'm not suprised, my family is from that area and it's worse than anything you see on video.


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