24 February 2010


Angie Sanselmente Valencia is a stunning young lingerie model who, authorities believe, is also the leader of the one of the world's largest drug gangs.

As the Telegraph reports, an international arrest warrant has been issued for 30-year-old Valencia, who is believed to be on the run in either Mexico or Argentina
Bringing a little glamor to the world of smuggling, Valencia is said to have recruited beautiful models to smuggle the drugs from South America to Europe. According to the Sun, Valencia has described the women working for her as "unsuspicious, beautiful angels." Authorities caught on to Valencia after one of these 'angels' was busted at an airport in Buenos Aires with 55kg of coke last month and decided to talk to authorities.

The entrepreneurial Valencia had apparently been dating a notorious Mexican drug lord known as "The Monster," but had broken up with him last year in order to start her own drug-smuggling operation.

I still would date her even though she could have me whacked.

via: dailymail


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