22 April 2010


A 67-year-old man from Mars, Pa., is on life support at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, and his family is convinced it's because of the raw milk he consumed more than a month ago.
"I heard about all the health benefits," said the man's wife, Maureen Orchard. "We thought we were doing something good for ourselves."
James Orchard was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Except for minimal head and eye movement, Orchard is totally paralyzed.
Several days before the onset of his illness, Orchard and other members of his family consumed raw milk purchased at the McGinnis Sisters Special Foods Store. The raw milk was produced by Dean Farms doing business as Pasture Maid, LLC, a creamery located in New Castle.
People never cease to amaze me. People everything is not safe to try. stuff goes throught these safety checks for a reason.


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