28 April 2010


Sandra Bullock has filed for divorce from her husband, Jesse James, and is adopting a baby boy as a single parent, a story posted Wednesday on People magazine's website said.

"Yes, I have filed for divorce," the 45-year-old Oscar-winning actress said in an interview. "I'm sad and I am scared."
Bullock and James, 41, began the adoption process four years ago, the report said, and brought 3 1/2-month-old Louis Bardo Bullock home in January but decided to keep the news to themselves until after the Oscars.
In the interview, Bullock said she is savoring her new maternal status.
Well all I can say is that if you are ever in the Atl sandra come by and holla at me. I'll make you fforgrt about Jesse Shames


UPDATE: Oh yeah I forgot to mention sandra also followed the new Hollywood trensd and adopted a baby. Now she is playing the blindside for real

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