31 March 2010


Do you play  or have heard of the online game FarmVille, played by a reported 82 million Facebookers?It is equally addictive, but even less constructive.

One man's fascination (addiction?) with the cute real-time farming simulation has cost him his job, according to novinite.com, a Bulgarian news site.
On the other side of the planet, in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, a place where one can easily imagine plenty of real farm animals, a councilman has been ousted for "milking virtual cows" during important meetings.
Farmville enthusiast Dimitar Kerin “needs more time for his virtual farm” said the man who made the motion to dismiss him.
Kerin, according to novinite.com, alleges he is not the only one in the City Hall watering virtual eggplants. He said he had reached only Level 40, whereas Daniela Zhelyazkova, another councilor, was already at Level 46. so moral of the story, don't be an asshole and lose your job over the internet.


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