25 March 2010


She’s crude as Chelsea Lately, but she’s not trying to be funny. According to the AP conservative author/personality Ann Coulter was getting into all sorts of drama while on a three city tour of Canada.

At her first stop…

When answering questions from students, Coulter told a 17-year-old Muslim student to “take a camel” instead of the flying carpet she has previously suggested Muslims use for transportation. Coulter later told CTV that the “camel” remark was a joke.

And at her second stop…

A protest by hundreds of students led organizers to cancel a Tuesday night speech by American conservative commentator Ann Coulter at the University of Ottawa. A spokesman for the organizers said Coulter was advised against appearing after about 2,000 “threatening” students crowded the entrance to Marion Hall, posing a security threat.

“What Ann Coulter is practicing is not free speech, it’s hate speech,” he said. “She’s targeted the Jews, she’s targeted the Muslims, she’s targeted Canadians, homosexuals, women, almost everybody you could imagine.”

Hey if you don't like her do not support her at all.

via: thelifefiles


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