17 March 2010


Wal-Mart officials are looking at security tapes after an announcement was made for "all black people'' to leave a store in South Jersey. A man used the public-address system at the Route 42 store in Washington Township Sunday night and calmly announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now.''

Patricia Covington and Shelia Ellington were inside the store when it happened and told the Courier Post that customers and store employees looked stunned when they heard it.
"In 2010, I want to know why such statements are being made because it flies in the face of what we teach them [our kids] at home, and that's tolerance for people," said Ellington.
Ellington and other customers let store management and police know they were upset.
They asked the store to use the same announcement system to apologize to customers that night, which they did.
Then the manager said probably to himself I'm glad someone made that annoucement. I don't know let me stop.


UPDATE: Here's a video report of the incident.

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