30 March 2010


So I get a call to take a survey and they tell me once completed that I will be eligible fior a free two day cruise with this company called Imperial Majesty. Their website is www.imperialmajesty.com. Now this all sounds good and the website looked legit, but when I went on google (I love the internet by the way) and did a search on them, I found numerous websites with complaint after complaint from these guys. From hidden fees no not giving refunds to the ship looking like a sail boat. Needless to say I did not give them any of my credit card information as I am cheap anyway and you have to pry that stuff out of me. Moral of the story nothing in life is free and you get what you pay for. So do your research and don't get scammed.  Here are the websites and reviews for that cruise company if you can call it that. Complaintsboard, also scam.com and  the Ripoff report.

A public service anouncement from CUBICAL COUNTRY.


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