18 March 2010


What would you buy or sell for $5? Well you can find out with this new website called fiverr. The "gigs," all fixed at $5, range from the silly to serious. Among them: sending a nice postcard from Paris, burning a small paper effigy of your enemy, offers for breakdancing lessons, Photoshopping monsters into your family photos, coining that nickname you never got in high school, balloon animal instruction via Skype and even the penning of Italian love songs.

There's a flurry of more practical microtasks, too: CSS microbugging, social marketing, resume revising and PowerPoint editing help.
The genesis of the site was purely practical, says Micha Kaufman, co-founder and CEO
To keep it simple, Fiverr removed negotiations from the site and decided $5 was the sweet spot for pricing. The micro, micro, micro economy launched less than a month ago and already has 5,000 gigs posted. The site is Israel-based but draws users worldwide.


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